AmigaSoc UK
N e w s

Turn on, tune in and sign up... with your Amiga!

Leading Internet technology company, IMM Studios in partnership with Direct Network Publishing are following on from the huge success of Football 365 with their latest offering Music 365.

Once again AmigaSoc UK is pleased to announce that an Amiga client for unwrapping the weekly E-Mail attachments will be made available in order to encourage Amiga users to sign up. The only other platform currently supported by Music 365 is Win32. However, the Amiga client is a twelfth of the size and is actually far more flexible (no surprises there, then). As with the Football 365 installer also provided by AmigaSoc, a file type for the excellent Directory Opus is also included.

AmigaSoc has of course developed the Amiga version without payment from Music 365, in return we ask that you support the developers of Amiga web browsers by buying/registering your favourite browser to ensure that development of that product continues.

So check out the Music 365 web site today at, or even sign up right now at this address: Go on, what have you got to lose ? It's free after all!